Rancher Suffers Brain Injury, Becomes Accidental Genius–I never knew such a thing was possible

Erceg’s condition is so incredibly rare that it took numerous scientific studies and brain scans to diagnose her with what is called “savant syndrome.”

Savant Syndrome is described as vastly enhanced cognitive ability in an area such as art and math. Acquired savant syndrome is when a person isn’t born with the condition, which is the case with Erceg. She also suffers from “synesthesia,” a mixing of senses, where the person can see a sound, or hear a color as a series of numbers and letters.

“Leigh is the only woman in the world who has acquired savant syndrome and synesthesia following brain injury that I know of,” said Dr. Berit Brogaard, a neuroscientist at the University of Miami who has been studying her.

Read it all from ABC’s Nightline (or even better watch the video) {emphasis mine].


Posted in * Culture-Watch, Anthropology, Children, Health & Medicine, Marriage & Family, Psychology, Science & Technology, Theology, Women

One comment on “Rancher Suffers Brain Injury, Becomes Accidental Genius–I never knew such a thing was possible

  1. Terry Tee says:

    The neurologist Oliver Sacks who died last week in his books charted many extraordinary outcomes of brain trauma or organic brain illness.

    I remember a clergyman, who shall remain nameless, who after a stroke, for several weeks spoke fluent Italian but no English. The English gradually came back. He had been a POW in Italy in WW2.